![]() "Bah-humbug!" spirit suffuses the soul... derstanding on timing, here are ... of Our Contest Correspondents contests when budget cuts scrooged out the prior holder of the position. Since taking over this (nonpaying) post, I'm the one who is tasked with communicating with producers, agents and man- agers who want to see the best scripts from our Expo Screenplay Competition and AAA Screenplay Contest (which is open to submis- sions, by the way see http://creativescreen- writing.com/aaa/ndex.html). in deciding whose scripts get the industry's attention. than the basic contest entry fee) feedback to contest entrants. We just used it for the first time to send feedback to writers who entered the 2010 Expo Screenplay Compe- tition. Nothing's perfect in its first itera- tion, so in the interest of seeking improvements, I asked contest entrants for feedback on our feedback. and stocking-stuffers for a few of these cor- respondents... feedback for the 2009 contest." your screenplay in 2011. And sorry, we don't have feedback from prior contests because we didn't create this system until this past September. But we will offer it, hopefully im- proved, in the currently open AAA Screen- play Contest and others in the future. And Ho-Ho-Ho, I just sent you a coupon code worth $45 off the entry fee on the AAA Con- test, so you could enter that other script you mentioned for a mere $5 and get feedback. the few suggestions they offered and in few words the crux of making a potentially good script mar- ketable and sellable... I plan to share my excite- ment about this contest with other new writers and hope to speak with you about this soon. You folks have challenged me to write more, and divvy up my time sitting around the campfire telling a good story, with fine tuning the art of two elements thrown into the cauldron of writing success will feed lots of hungry and fascinated story listeners. Next time I enter, you are going to see me in the winners circle." $45 off coupon I sent to you. and look, but I hope it was very little or free. If it was more, I will helpful feedback I have ever received... If this feedback was free, then I suggest not bothering with it or charging so you can offer the entrant something that can be useful." provide a paid version with more depth. We've asked our developer to revise the con- test entry system to allow writers to add in- depth notes for a fee. must have DAY or NIGHT indicated.' This silly and outdated advice is contradicted by the recent Academy Award winner for Best Original Screenplay: First: I do understand that rejection is for a moment, in the hands of a judge you regard as nitpicking can be a terrible frus- tration. However, I'm unable to find con- firmation for your assertion that the judge's advice is "silly and outdated." A quick search turned up two message-board discussions on this very question, and other resources: oards/showthread.php?t=11895 =7&t=534 headings.htm (Michael Ray Brown) eteachersroom/pdf/AFI_BasicsHand- book.pdf on the Done Deal Pro board were quite to the point. Boldface annoys this reader, and since you won't be there to explain to whomever the reader works for that his/her view on boldfacing is "silly and outdated," why risk it? them up to date? Anyone with a view on ei- ther side of this question may send it to pub- lisher@creativescreenwriting.com. bender." terati, so I have no basis for comparison, but it's a nicely written insult. You might try put- ting some of that vinegar into your charac- ters' dialogue. story is very credible, and the action is harrowing. The lead character is sympathetic.' As a profes- sional screenwriter (WGA for many years and in- ternational screenwriting contest winner), I know I have a tight, well-written screenplay with a great structure. Other professional writers have read it and agree. " reopen the contest, we sent you a coupon to try again with this or another script free of charge. Best wishes and thank you for your feedback. be bothered to construct scenes that show us how Liz actually developed..." ± quote from your `judge.' I'm sorry -- I don't know who this judge is -- but their advice is idiotic. There are so many awesome scripts that start off with a VO (Amer- ican Beauty, Curious Case of Benjamin But- ton) that to tell a writer they can NEVER open with a VO -- it's just stupid. And harmful. " created a very efficient opening and got her character down pat in half a page. Also |