![]() their production team will add technicalities like scene numbers. "They will make it a little bit more user-friendly for people who have to break down the script for production information," Joel says. teriors, exteriors or even time of day, which they sometimes put in their descriptions, their style flows smoothly, proving that when in- formation is kept simple, not only does it read faster, but it remains ob- vious and in no need of further explanation. Consider this example from the 6-12-09 draft: superfluous information. sive British film editor named Roderick Jaynes, which is a pseudonym the brothers use when editing their own films. As far as aliases go, Jaynes is their most famous, but they've also written a commentary track full of false film information under their faux film historian alias, actor), who can be heard on the Blood Simple DVD. Simi- larly, they wrote comments for Mortimer Young, who also per- petuates false information on The Big Lebowski DVD. Yet Jaynes was their first alias and, as Joel explained long ago, the brothers had a simple reason for his creation: "There were al- ready enough Coens in the credits of our movies." signage on a barn-like building: |